Monday, May 19, 2008


I serve in a district calling and we have been holding branch conferences in March, April, and May. I traveled an hour north yesterday to attend one and it was very enjoyable. I really like meeting and seeing members that I don't know very well and I like to observe them and see how well they work together and how much they accomplish with few people. The YW there had a "light" in their eyes and seemed to be happy with life. It was so refreshing to see!

Of course, there are glitches in all well-laid plans. My counselor was scheduled to speak and by 11:00 she still hadn't arrived. I had some advance warning that she might be late because of a reaction to an allergy medicine but she said she would try to be there. During sacrament meeting, I was looking over my branch conference talk (used at another conference) and trying to adapt it to a lesson so I was partially prepared.

We met with the YM/YW and I stretched out introductions - luckily we had a big group (9 kids) and just as we finished that, in walked my counselor. Prayers were answered!!

At branch conferences, we always get fed well. Yesterday was no exception--taco salads and a nice selection of desserts. It was a chance to visit and laugh and enjoy each other's company.

After that conference, I drove back to my branch building (45 minutes) and sat in on a district council meeting, waited after that to attend part of a priesthood leadership meeting (sat in on the YM info section), and then Chris and I went to sing "happy birthday" to the oldest member of our branch (89). We got home at 8:00 so it was a long day, but a good day. I am sure many readers can relate to Sundays like this. This wasn't the first, and I'm sure it wasn't the last!


Hannah said...

yeah, Sunday is not really much of a day of rest, is it. We had our YW Recognition Night last night and it was good, but I barely had enough time to go home and and make dinner, then go right back to the Church.

Emma and John said...

Ditto! Yesterday we were at church early so I could play prelude, then I was set apart after church, John ran us home and went right back for a meeting, and as soon as he got home I left for a 2 hour was busy but we did feel good at the end of the day!

Mike S. said...

Yeah, we left at 6 am and got home around 11 pm. Meetings.