Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Not much news from PA

All right, it's time to write again. I have been hassled by my children for not writing - but it's because I haven't had anything to write about. I've been busy with church (YW), volunteer work, etc, but nothing exciting has happened. Still fighting the faux ladybugs.

I taught "Strong Women" at the nursing home on Monday and made a dollar. Didn't even pay for the gas to get there but it sure is nice to visit and talk to the women I've met. I must admit that my children are fodder for our talks - most of it good!!

I started a "Biggest Loser" group at church and we met on Monday. Four other women came and we talked about exercise, weight, and food in general and laughed (until we did the weigh-in). There is a pregnant women in our group so if our numbers are bad we will blame her. Did you know that Ben and Jerry's ice cream - Chunky Monkey - has four servings per container and that a container has 1200 calories? So as I sat on the couch and read and absently ate half the container, I consumed 600 calories!! Each one of them tasted so good!! Another woman at the meeting understood exactly what I said when I shared my experience with "bad" food in the house - instead of tossing it out, which would be wasteful, I eat it to get rid of it. I was brought up with the "clean your plate" mentality. I hate to waste food. We're meeting again on Monday and I said I would lose 2 pounds this week. I bought journals for everyone and we are supposed to record what we eat and drink. I'm only two days behind..... Wish me luck!

Here's my update on the Prevention exercise plan: 6 days last week, 3 days so far this week. Each day the exercises are adding distance and time so it's becoming more challenging. But I'm hanging in there.

Since American Idol honored Dolly Parton this week with her music, I think next week the contestants should all sing John Denver songs. That would be the best show ever!!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Yeah John Denver songs would be great, actually.

And that's a really good idea to keep food journals. I've heard that that's a huge factor in determining whether or not you will lose weight. Keep up the good work, Mom!